Goal Setting: Set your dreams in motion

March 31, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

How can you eat an elephant? The answer is “one bite at a time“.
Oftentimes in our endeavour to fulfill our dreams we come across many elephants.

Proceed step by stepThey are the challenges and obstacles that life puts on our way.
It was only a few years ago when I realized that I should not take for granted that all people can effortlessly structure and organise their lives.

I have always assumed that taking control of your life, setting goals and going after them is something that anyone can easily achieve.
Little did I know though that there are people struggling hard to put their life in order not because they do not want to change the situations they are not satisfied with but simply because they do not know how to do it.
This book is a step-by-step guide describing an easy and straightforward method that anyone can follow to organise their lives.

How can this book help you?

In the book you can find simple step by step instructions, detailed examples and a lot of worksheets and tools which will help you:

  • evaluate your current level of life satisfaction
  • seek inside you and uncover your personality type your strengths and weaknesses
  • discover your dreams, and what you really want from life
  • set a plan of action based on your priorities
  • learn how to start acting and keep track of your progress
  • find various tips to motivate you and to effectively utilize your time

I feel confident that this goal-setting program combined with your determination and consistency, will take down all the walls that keep your dreams imprisoned and will set the beginning of a new life full of success, happiness and meaning.

Happy reading!

Find the book in amazon by clicking here.

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