Category: Well Being

Discover tips for self-help, meditation, nutrition, sports etc.

January 1, 2020 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

If I had to choose a single virtue to accompany me till the very end of my life’s journey, that would be an easy choice. “Self-discipline” is for me, the most important, the greatest of all virtues and the mandatory ingredient for success in life.It is defined as “the quality of doing what needs to…

November 23, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

Do you know that only 8% of people setting goals, manage to achieve them? The rest 92% fail.In this video you will learn what common mistakes people do so that you can avoid falling into the same trap. Below you can find the links to the references mentioned in the video. 1. My Udemy online…

November 7, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

I am pretty sure that at least once in your life you have tried to answer the rhetorical question “Which came first? The chicken or the egg?” I have the tendency to believe that the chicken came first. Don’t ask me why. I just cannot believe that an egg appeared out of the blue. In…

September 22, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

Are you afraid to fail? Does the thought of failure cause a shiver down your spine? What if you knew that it is okay to fail? Would you then stand in front of an audience delivering a speech? Would you write that book that you keep postponing for ages? Would you quit your energy-draining job…

August 27, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

I am fan of goal setting big time. I have built my whole life around it. I am very enthusiastic, I speak everywhere I go about it and I enjoy tremendously ticking off tasks of my daily list every night. I keep preaching how important it is to set goals in life and follow our…

May 15, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis 2 comments

Excuses are the best friend of your comfort zone and the worst enemy of your development and growth. If you belong to the group of people waiting to be retired in order to start living or to the group of those expecting to win the lottery so that they can enjoy the life they dream,…

April 7, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

Have you seen the movie “The groundhog day”? It is the story of a man -played by Bill Murray – trapped in a time-loop, waking up each morning only to live the exact same day like the one before. Although it is categorized as a science fiction movie, I certainly believe that it is not. The…

March 10, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

Have you ever wondered, why some of us are so organised while some of us not so much? Why some people like to show off instead of staying in the background? Or vise versa. Why certain people find pleasure in helping others instead of looking only their own benefit? There is an easy test called…

January 25, 2019 Georgios Grigorakis No comments exist

We all live a busy life, full of obligations, tasks and activities that keep us running the whole day. If we cannot avoid those tasks, we can at least organise, plan and prioritize them and also setup reminders in order to avoid the burden of constantly thinking if we are forgetting something. There is a tool…